The beginning of the year almost always makes one think of a new year of possibilities. I found myself in December wondering what kind of doors would open, and what doors may close.
At any rate, I take the month of January and do several things to get a fresh start- one of them is to beef up my supplies with things I know I will need- and toss the things haven't used since I had it in my stash for over a year and it's covered in dust bunnies.The other thing I like to do is make a long list of new ideas to work on and set a schedule for myself to complete them. (It can't hurt to plan, can it? Even if we don't always stick to the program!)
Already my year has started off with unexpected and fun opportunities- one of them is I have the honor of being featured in the At Home in Illinois magazine as a local artist. (There' something strange about opening up a magazine and seeing your face staring back!) I also will be a featured artist in the online art magazine at starting January 7th. So take a peek at them if you can get a chance!
Mu husband commented that he didn't really understand the big deal of people getting excited about New Year's Day, to him it is just another day and no different. I suppose in one sense he is right on that...but I still like to picture things as a gate has been shut on 2010 and now I am going into a new year of 2011. I like to think there is a possibility of new chances, happenings, and opportunities that will be different and exciting than even 2010. Attitude is everything I think, and I for one hope to have a good one for this upcoming year!
Congrats on being in 2 magazines! How exciting for you!
Thank you Sassy, hope you are going to have your best year yet, your creations are soooo cute!
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