Well, they make a run to the grocery store of course! And not to be out done, I got up with my husband at the crack of dawn, (here that would be around 5:30 a.m.) and made a beeline for town. With it being 25 minutes away, I don't often make random, impulsive trips- so I make sure I get what I need to survive... I now have enough chocolate to get me through a big blizzard...
I noticed that there were actually a substantial amount of cars there, and 99 percent of the customers in the store were elderly...so I joined in and told my son, ( who was with me), that one more old lady at the grocers won't hurt! And wouldn't you know it, he agreed!
Now I am back home, watching intently for the ice storm and then the piles of snow we are supposedly getting- and knowing Illinois weather , that prediction could change to a sprinkling of flakes or springlike temperatures by nightfall. But just in case we DO get the bad weather that is gloomily being forecasted, I am very well stocked in food and art supplies- enough to make a whole massive army of characters should the need arise.
Actually, I don't think I hardly enjoy anything more than to sit by my picture window in the work room and watch wild weather happening outside. (Either that or watching the shenanigans of the neighbors perhaps...) It feel cozy to be working on some fun art project all nice and warm with a glass of tea while large white flakes of snow fall heavily outside...or a good thunderstorm.
And now, I am ready, so bring it on!
My latest project, the cast of characters from Gone With the Wind
Oh my those dolls are amazing!
And having a warm cup of tea watching the snow flakes falling when you don't have to go out is awsome!
Many thanks, I enjoy my art very much! :)
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