Tuesday, August 12, 2008

LaMia- Something Different!

As seller on Etsy, you get to meet a lot of incredible talented artisans and crafters. One such artisan is Stephanie, owner and designer of Lamia. a unique store that carries an eclectic mix of jewelry designs that are so pretty! Take a look at one of my personal favorites...This Mona Lisa Necklace is so feminine!

1. If you could pick your favorite "splurge" in buyingsupplies for your art, what would it be?

Drop 50-100 on "whatever" craft supplies at Michaels or A.C. Moore.
Or, go to the local thrift store and find some cool stash with only dropping about 20 bucks.

2. What has been the best part of owning a self made business, and also the down side, if any?

Well, since I am fairly new at this the freedom to create is the best and being able to be my own boss. Currently, I work a full time job too and that seems to be my downfall because I cannot spend the time I want on the creating. It has to be done in the evenings, lunch break, etc.

3. What do you do to stimulate your creativity when you get
"creator's block"?

I love my environment and studio....I live in the mountains so being outside is very inspirational. I also like to view other artist’s work and shops in town for a creative jolt.

4. Do you have any specific advice for those thinking of trying to sell their creations?

If you are passionate, you can do it! I think if a person is talented and wants to cultivate that talent they should just go for it!

Thank you Stephanie for sharing some inside info on being a shop owner. Make sure you take a look at what lovely items she has to offer!

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