Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Joys of the Forties...

Seriously, I feel like I have lost it sometimes...and may be I have! LOL

Did I use to do these things when I was younger? You know, like the other day I needed to go to the post office and I went to the closet to get my jacket and what did I do? I started to put on my fuzzy bathrobe...

And I find my self doing other things like:

getting ready to pour orange juice on my cereal

paying for something at the checkout then walking out without it

Looking all over for the house for something that is right there in my hand

Accusing someone of taking my craft scissors and finding out I was almost sitting on them

Giving the salesperson that asks me for my zipcode a blank stare then giving them my old one because I forgot my current one

Going to the store specifically to get something I desperately needed only to come home with 10 other things but not what I went in there for

And, something else have noticed is I speak my mind a LOT more than I ever did in my younger years. Is that good? Depends on who you ask! I kind of like myself doing that, it's quite liberating to say " You can go visit your relatives if you want to, but I am stayiing here- because if I go, I may end up causing mutiny on the ship for telling everyone what I REALLY think of them!"

I have a good reason for this you know. I am the mother of four teenagers...and what little brain cells I have left are being sucked up by trying to keep them in order. Yes! That's it, it has to be!

At any rate, I have noticed myself doing goofy things that show my mind is somewhere else...and that is really why I do the artwork I do. It gives me a chance to focus on something, enjoy it, and keep my mind off of what I really don't want to think about. Now, I am off to go find my craft scissors ....


Pam said...

Hehe!! I am in so much trouble, I've done stuff like that all my life! I plan on keeping things interesting for the kids...

Kristen H said...

I'm 35 and I find myself doing this lately. I have been saying the wrong word, I stopped for a red light the other day and rolled forward to get closer to the next car and never stopped again. I walk around the house until I remember what I was planning to do. I can't wait until I actually become a senior and can use my aunt's phrase of Senior Moment, right now I just say Brain Fart!

Sidewing Creations said...

It gets better! Wait 'til your in your Fifties and your married kids start telling you they're looking for a good "home" for you!!! LOL!! As long as you don't put your car keys in the sugar bowl and your underwear on the outside of your pants, its all good! hehehe! Now where is the enter button.....

Marg Hamilton said...

Omg!..have you got a few hours for me to list my 'senior' moments...I'm 62 yrs. old and in many stores that qualifies me as a senior (some benefits, at least). Just last week, I poured my morning coffee, went back to get a second cup and couldn't find the coffee pot....Yep, I actually put the pot in the fridge! Am I really confessing to this........ahh,well!