I was thinking today how many times I have gotten myself in the most ridiculous predicaments one could imagine. Yes, I have and still do ...even though by now you would think a woman of my accumulated wisdom and maturity would not get into such situations- not so....
Take one summer when we lived in Indiana. It was a warm spring day. My then about 6 year old daughter came running in and saying a goose was chasing her. Huh? In a suburban neighborhood with no pond nearby? I go outside, and sure enough, there was a goose sitting by the fence of our home. What in the world it was doing there, I have no idea, but I suppose it could have had a nest or something nearby and was just guarding things.
I said, "Well stay away from it and maybe it will go away.." Next thing I know that goose takes off and chases my little girl and "bites' her on the leg. Ok, now that made me mad! I go, get a broom, and tried shooing it without hitting it. That goose didn't budge.
I thought about getting our new dog out and letting him chase the goose out of our yard, until I remembered our dog was just a pup, and would probably do nothing to scare the goose off. So, I go in and call animal welfare. Basically I was told I could do nothing to it, even though it was biting and chasing anyone who even so much as walked by. I didn't want to hurt it, I told them, I just wanted someone to get rid of it out of my yard. No help there, so I decided I would do things myself.
I brilliantly figured I could start up our push mower and chase it off the property by the noise and such. So... I started it up , started "chasing " the goose, and ended up mowing my entire front lawn and the goose went right back to his spot and sat down as if he were mocking me.... By this time, I was embarrassed and exasperated because the neighbors were actually coming out to watch the show.
It was then I remembered that my neighbor had two big old Bassett Hounds, (which never went for walks mind you!) and so I went to her door, knocked , and said, "Could I borrow your leash and use one of your dogs to chase this goose out of our yard? She gave me the leash attached to the dog and before I knew it, the dog took off like greased lightening. I actually lost my footing and fell, but I hung on like no tomorrow because that dog was chasing that goose and I didn't dare let go and lose the dog...my neighbor would have never forgiven me!
You know, that dog ran and ran and ran and I ended up going so far up into the neighborhood that it took me a while to walk back. I had to dig my heels in and almost sit to keep the Bassett Hound from taking me into the next town...
My face sure was red when I got back, from heat, frustration, from embarrassment at being the neighborhood clown, and the truth be known...from laughing at myself for being a cheap source of entertainment for the neighbors . The good news was that goose left and never came back, there was no nest to be found, and I made everyone around me laugh, so I was glad to be of some assistance, even at my own expense!