Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sorry about the Gap!

I see it has been a few days since I blogged...I have been super busy with custom orders lately. I keep waiting for someone to ask me to make a replica of their mother in law- or something bizarre like that!

Yesterday was really zany... I woke up to find several sales, several to be done custom orders, and while that was going on, my sweet hubby asked if I would mind baking a couple of home made pumpkin pies for his work luncheon today. (Now I know Wal-mart has them for 5 dollars, but they just don't taste like homemade...) so, I did that while doing everything else.

Wouldn't you know, my teen daughter who goes to college 20 minutes from here called saying she had forgotten her wallet and had no lunch and had to go to work and could I make her one and drive it all the way to where she works? Of course not, what are moms for? (cough)

So I dropped what I was doing and on the way thought I had better call her when I get, I pick up my cell phone only to hear it beep it's last, it was out of power. No problem, I will use the trusty charger in my car...oops, it was the wrong charger. Now I have no phone to call her and tell her to come out and get her lunch.

I had to get to her work place ( a nice department store) and wander around the entire floor two times in my lovely old orange sweater and non fixed hair looking like a woman who had no fashion taste and had no idea where I was. (and the sad thing was, I have no fashion taste and was sort of lost!)

All's well that ends well though...and humor helps! I found her, gave her the food, got home and baked the pies , made dinner, finished the orders, and got everything sent off this morning.

Just remember, the most important thing you can do on a day where everything is bonkers, is too laugh at yourself. It really does help!
Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile


Anonymous said...

Wpw your blog made me tired just reading all that you did today,LOL.Have a relaxing evening!

Pam said...

Aw! That stuff happens to me all the time! PS love your blog and thanks for your comment on mine!!! Always glad to find a fellow literature lover.